
From Carmel to Horeb: Elijah in Crisis is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this study, authors Hauser and Gregory focus on the life of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 17–19. Using a literary lens for interpretation, they examine images, themes, and the narrative style. Hauser presents an essay on the conflict between Yahweh and death as a character. He gives historical and cultural background, providing valuable context. He goes over setting, structure, key characters,...

between Yahweh and Baal, but between Yahweh and Baal’s followers. They are the ones who struggle with death, trying futilely to bring life to a ‘god’ who has no existence. As the writer goes to great effort to show, their struggle must meet with failure, not only as regards the lifeless Baal, but also as regards their own lives, since they will be put to death. Of the proponents of Baal active in ch. 18, only Ahab and Jezebel escape with their lives.
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